Vietnamese artist Van Tho
I enjoy his paintings surprisedly in admiring his inspirations and the audacity in his new creative style.
Van Tho has changed himself incredibly in creation. His painting is not a test or a research but a real beginning of a new way orienting to new successes of tradition and modernization, maturity and spontaneousness.”
“Van Tho has got a big quanlity that I admire, it is that all his ways of exprission of the reality accepted by his colleagues.
He knows affirming himself.”
Former Director Of National Fine – Arts Musseum
“I am very interested of some of your paintings illustrations in The Fine Arts Magazine. I can not think that your new paintings could be getting so beautiful, young, interesting and relaxing. I would like to give you my sincere congratulatstions for the audacious change of your style among the ones of your colleagues of the same generation…”
“ Your paintigns remind me “the spirit of the cave paintings” of the end of The Stone Age”.
“It is a talentfull of living force that is reaching to the new horizons of fine ars with a lot of hard researches for the deep beauty of life and with the tests for new styles.”
“Being mind in behaving but furious like the wild beast in paintings, so young as all other young persons but he paints like children do. He has got good successes with his big lacquers and now he gets the same ones again with his new paintings of medium dimensions. I can not know how many other dimensions could be suistable to his future painting, but I am sure that he will have new excellent harvest of creations with whatever demensions, meterials, in whatever time because his love for The Beauty has not been drained – sometimes is flaming as for the first time. I believe that”.
“I would like to show to you my congratulations for the creative harmoniousness full of nationalisty and of your individuality”
“… An individual creative style that knows to clutch steadily the national tradition land”.
“…. How easy and simple everything expressed by Tho’s brushes is. That is not possible for everybody…”
“I would like to thank sto Mr Van Tho, your paintings exhibition give me much particular impression.
The land for The Fine Arts is now crowded with different creative styles but you can find your own one with a spontaneous, hilarious and optimistic view.
Nguyen Thai Lai
Institute of Fine – Arts
“ I have an unexpected chance to admire your paintings that are very modern and scholastic at the same time without any spirit of adventure. I hope you will have your paintings exhibition in Paris at The Vietnamese – French Culture House, No 24 Street of Schools.”
“ A Remarkable change of himself. A further pace full of creative inspiration. The animated exhibition give good conception to spectator.”
The Chief of The Arts Reference Board of The Vietnamese Fine – Arts Association
“ The painter Van Tho was very Well – known with his big lacquers and oil paintings of great subjects shown at solemn places. And now again, he presents a new oil paintings exhibition with bright colours, free painting brush trails, delicious masses of colours, however his paintings are full of simplicity and nationalisty.
He works with the top of his force and lives by his carrier and that is really an admirable example of hand work and creation.”
General Secretary of the Vietnamese Fine – Arts Association